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Welcome to Nanoscale Electronics and Optics Lab (NEO Lab). We are a research team at Taiwan’s leading university NYCU. NEO is focused on the novel science and engineering of a novel class of nano-photonic devices, metasurfaces, and their applications.


Our current research topics:

Ultraviolet metasurfaces

Biomedical metasurfaces

Imaging devices.


ALL Members in NEO lab

Graduate students! Postdoctoral Researcher! Join us!!!

Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Assistant Positions in Optoelectronics

徵 博士後研究員以及研究助理 各1名

Positions available :

  - Postdoctoral Fellow (1 position)

  - Research Assistant (1 position)

國立陽明交通大學 (NYCU) 的 NEO 研究團隊誠摯邀請充滿熱情的科學家加入我們充滿活力的研究團隊。我們專注於尖端研究方向,包括但不限於超穎表面與超透鏡、新穎材料科學、紫外奈米光子學、奈米光子學中的人工智慧,以及生物醫學感測與成像技術等領域。 一、資格專長需求: - 具國內、外大學電子、電機、光電、物理等相關學科畢業之博士學位(研究助理不在此限)。 - 需熟悉半導體製程或光電物理相關研究。 二、公告期間:自113年11月11日至113年7月30日止 三、薪資:依國立陽明交通大學國科會補助博士後與研究助理研究教學研究費支給表支薪。 四、工作地點:國立陽明交通大學光復校區 五、工作內容:執行研究計畫,光電半導體相關計畫 1.實驗設計及實行 2.分析和論文撰寫 3.撰寫計畫報告書及論文 六、應徵方式:應徵者請備妥下列資料,Email至並註明應徵「博士後研究員」或「研究助理」。 七、來函需備資料:1.個人學經歷 2.畢業証書影本 3.著作目錄 4.博士畢業論文摘要(研究助理申請無須博士論文摘要) ※合則約談,如資格不符或未獲錄取時,恕不退件或另行通知。 八、洽詢:若有任何問題,請電洽(03)5712121轉54131曾銘綸教授

The NEO group at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), Taiwan, invites highly motivated scientists to join our dynamic research team. We are engaged in cutting-edge research directions, including but not limited to metasurfaces and metalenses, novel material science, UV nanophotonics, artificial intelligence for nanophononics, and biomedical sensing and imaging. 1. Qualifications Postdoctoral Fellow: - Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Optoelectronics, Physics, or related fields - Background in semiconductor processing or optoelectronic physics Research Assistant: - Bachelor's or Master's degree in relevant fields - Experience in semiconductor processing/optoelectronics preferred 2. Position Details - Salary: Based on Ministry of Science and Technology guidelines - Location: NYCU Guangfu Campus, Hsinchu, Taiwan - Application Period : November 11, 2024 - July 30, 2025 3. Research Areas - Design and conduct optoelectronic experiments - Data analysis and documentation - Scientific papers and reports preparation - Project contribution 4. Application Materials Send to (Subject: "Postdoc Application" or "RA Application") - CV/Academic history - Degree certificate - Publication list - PhD thesis abstract (Postdoc only) 5. Contact Prof. Ming-Lun Tseng Lab of Nano-Photonic Materials and Devices National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Email: Tel: +886-3-5712121 ext. 54131

Master and PhD Level

本研究團隊致力於前瞻性研究主題,包括超穎表面與超穎透鏡、新穎材料科學、紫外光奈米光子學、奈米光子學人工智慧計算與模擬,以及生物醫學感測與影像技術等,現正招募優秀碩博士生加入。實驗室強調團隊合作精神,鼓勵創新思維,歡迎相關領域學生申請!我們重視學術卓越,同時培養愉悅積極的研究氛圍。 研究培育方向: 1. 奈米光學結構設計、預測與模擬技術 2. 半導體製程技術與奈米結構製作 3. 奈米尺度光物質交互作用機制研究 4. 光學特性量測與分析技術 5. 前瞻應用技術開發

We welcome more enthusiastic talents to join us to conquer interesting and key research topics. The group atmosphere is very friendly, cooperative, and motivated. Students from all the related fields are welcome to apply for joining us. We are an intense but very fun group of people, who take our work seriously, but ourselves, not at all! You will learn: 1. Design, predict, and simulate properties of nanophotonic structures 2. Nanofabrication using standard semiconductor processes 3. Knowledge regarding the light matter interaction at nanoscale 4. Optical measurements and characterization 5. Key applications

Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Assistant Positions in Optoelectronics



Engineering Building D, 1001 University Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300 


​Room 502



Room 429



Room B16

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